[Top 10] Hearts of Iron 4 Best Division Templates (2024)

10. 10/Infantry

[Top 10] Hearts of Iron 4 Best Division Templates (1)


Start at: 0.50

This division represents the foundation of any in-game army. For its composition, it requires the player to only have 1000 infantry equipment. The division template also has a lot of organization and soft attack, which makes it withstand most engagements against enemy units. It is especially effective with countries that have loads of manpower, and which utilize the “Mass assault” doctrine.

9. 10 width anti-tank division[Top 10] Hearts of Iron 4 Best Division Templates (2)

How this template is good:

  • Extremely cheap to produce,
  • High organization and soft attack,
  • Very OP in early game,
  • Only takes up 10,000 manpower

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZ6PmbvfBUE

Start at: 4.40

As a minor nation, this is the best option for countering tanks. This division is ESPECIALLY good against nations with the mobile warfare doctrine which could field tank divisions. Nations such as Poland, The Netherlands, France, and even the Soviet Union should have some of these units in their disposal for contouring the ever-expanding German Reich.

How this template is good:

  • Very cheap to produce,
  • Does not require a lot of equipment and manpower,
  • Good for minor nations to balance the scale,
  • A staple for a good defense.

8. 40 width anti-tank division[Top 10] Hearts of Iron 4 Best Division Templates (3)

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZ6PmbvfBUE

Start at: 2.30

This is an improved 10 width anti-tank division, which will not just be used for defence, but also attack. While the 10 widthanti-tank division was good in early game, against light tank divisions, The 40 width anti-tank division was good against medium and even heavy tank divisions. Furthermore, the 40 width anti-tank division has loads of soft attack which will help in situations against other infantry units.

How this template is good:

  • Very effective in defending and attacking tank units,
  • Breaks very hard in defense,
  • Good for Major nations for countering,
  • Useful in most battle situations.

7. 5/0 Infantry[Top 10] Hearts of Iron 4 Best Division Templates (4)

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=US-U8Xn80bU

Start at: 3.50

This is a relative of our number 10 pick, the 10/0 infantry. These templates are for divisions which are used for filling gaps in your front lines. This template has a high level of organization, meaning it will take a while for it to break and will quickly regain its strength after retreating. These divisions are best used for fronts where the player is expecting to lose and wants to make his enemy pay, since the enemy is going to take a lot of casualties trying to break this division.

How this template is good:

  • Extremely cheap to make,
  • Good for port garrisons and for holding the line,
  • Good for spamming loads of it to slow down the enemy.

6. 40 width light tank template,

[Top 10] Hearts of Iron 4 Best Division Templates (5)


Start at:7.35

This is our first tank division on the list. Tank divisions in Hoi4 are the best tool for piercing the enemy line and establishing encirclements. Furthermore, if you have a stalemate on the front, using tanks against your enemy might just do the trick. The 40 width light tank template is best used by major nations in early game, and their high speed enables the player to make encirclements with ease!

How this template is good:

  • High speed,
  • Good organization early game,
  • Very effective against infantry
  • Perfect for early game large encirclements

5. 14/4 Marine division[Top 10] Hearts of Iron 4 Best Division Templates (6)


Start at: 7.05

Breaking through a heavily fortified enemy on a coast can be a big problem single-player,and especially multiplayer. If you have experienced something similar, then this division is perfect for you! For any naval-based power, such as the US and the UK, this division will be perfect to stage a D day landing without any issue.

How this template is good:

  • Is a marine unit, loses organization much slower while naval invading
  • Has high soft attack and piercing, being effective while landing and on land,
  • Very good, both in defence and attack.

4. 40 Width heavy tank template

[Top 10] Hearts of Iron 4 Best Division Templates (7)

Link :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=US-U8Xn80bU

Start at: 10.52

This division might seem as a perfect fit for the number one spot, since it provides high amounts of piercing and armour. However due to its extreme expensiveness and exclusivity with major nations, this is why the 40 with heavy tank template is so low on the list. It is perfect for multiplayer games and it is very effective, however, due to its expensiveness, not a lot of these will be able to be produced.

How this template is good:

  • Enormous piercing will break almost anything,
  • Very effective when used in micro managing,
  • Game changer in any multiplayer game,
  • High armour,very effective against infantry.

3. The 7-2 infantry division[Top 10] Hearts of Iron 4 Best Division Templates (8)

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZ6PmbvfBUE

Start at:1.20

Since the release of Hoi4, players have figured out that base provinces have around 80 combat width. To achieve the maximum of any divisions, having combinations of 10,20,40 width in divisions will grant players high effectiveness in any given battle. This template is going to be your best friend, especially early game, and is able to withstand battle against most units on the field.

How this template is good:

  • Cheap to make,(usually around 10 army xp )
  • High soft attack, meaning it is good against infantry units,
  • Does not require a lot of equipment
  • Does not take up a lot of supply

2. 14/4 Infantry[Top 10] Hearts of Iron 4 Best Division Templates (9)

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=US-U8Xn80bU

Start at: 5.20

This unit will form the basis of your main armies for attacking on the field. This unit has tons of soft attack and on the defence it is pretty much invincible, for infantry intensive nations, this unit is the primary one for attack and will be able to beat most units on the field of battle. Although effective, it requires a lot of manpower and equipment, meaning that minor nations might not be able to have loads of this unit.

How this template is good:

  • Has 40 width,fits perfectly in battle,
  • Has high amount of soft attack, effective against almost all infantry divisions,
  • Almost invincible on the defence, very hard to break,
  • Useful against both major and minor nations.

1.40 width medium tank template[Top 10] Hearts of Iron 4 Best Division Templates (10)


Start at: 8.38

For our number one pick, we choose the 40 width medium tank template. Weather it is against other tank divisions or infantry this tank division can pierce the enemy units almost in an instant! These divisions have significantly more armor than the previous light tank unit, making it able to overrun most of what the AI can throw at it.

How this template is good:

  • High speed, best used for large encirclements,
  • High armor, making it best for piercing the enemy line
  • Good throughout the game until the end,
  • Best for fighting against major nations such as Germany and the Soviet Union.
[Top 10] Hearts of Iron 4 Best Division Templates (2024)


What is a good division template in HoI4? ›

15 21-Width Infantry: Good All Rounders

The standard, go-to template for most players, this 21-Width Infantry division is relatively low-cost, reliable, and performs well in most terrains, especially forest and jungle. It works best as a basic infantry unit, used to hold the line or make a general push along the front.

How much is 1 division in hoi4? ›

Each division consists of up to five combat regiments and five support companies. In turn, each combat regiment is composed of up to five battalions. It costs 5 XP to add a battalion to a division; regardless if it is the same or new regiment.

How big is a division in hoi4? ›

Each division consists of 1-25 battalions - also sometimes called line battalions. This is the main fighting force, and the primary source of most statistics.

How to make strong divisions in HoI4? ›

To maximize combat division effectiveness width should be divisible by 80 at either 40, 20, or 10. Infantry and Armor battalions are 2 width, artillery is 3 width, and support doesn't add to width (line anti-air and line anti-tank is 1 width). In the game 40 width divisions are the best for front line combat.

What is the 24 division limit in hoi4? ›

Each commander can effectively deal with 24 (72 when using an Area Defense Order, 30 with Skilled Staffer Divisions. Five armies can be led by a Field Marshal.

How long does it take to 100% HOI 4? ›

If you're a gamer that strives to see all aspects of the game, you are likely to spend around 953 Hours to obtain 100% completion.

Is Hearts of Iron 4 easier than EU4? ›

However, there is a big difference in the learning curve, as the overall pacing differs, so in a way EU4 is more friendly to beginners. In a nutshell, I'd say it's easier to learn but harder to master, you just have to play it with a different mindset.

What is the stacking penalty in hoi4? ›

Stacking penalty for having too many divisions in combat: (-2% per division over the stacking limit. The stacking limit is 5, plus 3 per flanking direction. Paradrop penalty: -30% combat penalty for 48 hours after being paradropped.

Can you delete divisions in hoi4? ›

Click the Unassign Units button or press the X key X to remove the selected divisions from the army. Note that this action preserves the divisions for reassignment to a new or different army.

How far can you play in hoi4? ›

Hearts of Iron IV is a grand strategy wargame that revolves around World War II. The player may play as any nation in the world in the 1936 or 1939 start dates in single-player or multiplayer, although the game is not designed to go beyond 1948.

What is the division penalty in hoi4? ›

Stacking penalty for having too many divisions in combat: (-2% per division over the stacking limit. The stacking limit is 5, plus 3 per flanking direction. Paradrop penalty: -30% combat penalty for 48 hours after being paradropped.


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