Surprising Things You Can Clean With Shaving Cream (2025)

By Terry Schutz

Surprising Things You Can Clean With Shaving Cream (1)

Terry Schutz is a freelance writer specializing in home renovations, DIY advice, and construction topics. With over 30 years of experience in the construction industry, Terry has gained expertise as an installer, manager, salesperson, and business owner, making him highly knowledgeable in all aspects of construction and home improvement.

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Surprising Things You Can Clean With Shaving Cream

Every home should have a can of shaving cream–even if no one uses it for shaving. Shaving cream is an excellent cleaner for some things. It is handy, easy to use, and inexpensive. Shaving cream is not a cleaning cure-all, but it works well for certain jobs.

Surprising Things You Can Clean With Shaving Cream (3)

Why Shaving Cream Cleans

Shaving cream creates rich thick foam with very little water content. It contains surfactants (chemical compounds that reduce surface tension between two materials), emulsifiers, and cleaning agents found in liquid or bar soap. It is versatile enough to clean your hands and your bathroom sink. Use plain inexpensive shaving cream. Avoid any product with fragrances, colors, gels, or moisturizers.

Jobs For Shaving Cream

Shaving cream is versatile enough to remove stains, shine stainless steel, and keep your mirrors fog-free.

Remove Mattress Stains

Shaving cream breaks down stains on mattresses caused by body oils and sweat. The foam stays on the mattress without soaking through. Work the shaving cream into the stain using a soft bristle brush. Let sit for about 30 minutes to break down the stain. Wipe clean with a soft damp cloth. Let the mattress air dry before replacing the bedding.

Shine Stainless Steel and Chrome

Stainless steel and chrome show every water spot and fingerprint. Shaving cream removes all of them including dirt and grime without scratching the finish. Spray shaving cream onto a microfiber cloth and spread it over the entire surface. Make sure you put a little extra effort into wiping heavily spotted areas. Use another clean damp microfiber cloth to wipe away the shaving cream and spots–leaving a shiny clean finish.

Lift Carpet Stains

The foamy texture of shaving cream lets it sit on the carpet rather than soaking through the carpet and into the underlay. It slowly breaks down stains as it sits there. Spray a thick layer onto the stain and leave it to work for at least 15 minutes. Use a dry cloth to dab the cream and stain off. Rinse the area with clean water, soak up any excess moisture, and let it air dry.

Clean Painted Cabinets

Spray a small amount of shaving cream onto a damp microfiber cloth. Gently scrub the grimy areas–usually around handles and pulls. Clean the area with a dry microfiber cloth. You should have a clean shiny cabinet door without scratches because shaving cream contains no harsh chemicals or grit.

Clean the Bathtub

Shaving cream and a clean broom are all you need to clean the tub without scratching it. The cleansing additives in the cream break down dirt, body oils, and soap scum. Apply a thick layer of shaving cream to the tub, then use the broom to spread it and scrub the tub or shower. Let sit for at least 30 minutes. Rinse, then brush again and rinse the dirt, grime, and scum away.

Remove Food Stains, Makeup Stains, and Sweat Stains

Shaving cream does a good job of removing stains from clothing so you can wear it again. It saves you from buying expensive stain removers.

  • Food Stains. Dampen the stained area. Work shaving cream into the stain. Rinse with cold water and wash as usual.
  • Makeup Stains. Spray directly onto the stain. Work it in to loosen the makeup oils. Then wash as usual.
  • Sweat Stains. Spray directly onto the stain. Work it in, then wash as usual.

Prevent Bathroom Mirror and Eyeglass Fogging

Tired of wiping the mirror after showering? Apply a thin layer of shaving cream and wipe it off before showering for a clear condensation-free mirror.

Clean your glasses with shaving cream and they won’t fog up when you open the oven door or dishwasher. Or when you come in from the cold. It also works on car windshields and shower doors.

Clean Jewelry

Spray even the most delicate jewelry with shaving cream to get it clean. Work it into all of the crevices. Let it sit for a few minutes and then wipe earrings, necklaces, and rings clean and shiny with a soft cloth.

Remove Grease, Paint, and Nail Polish From Your Hands

Shaving cream removes grease, grime, and paint from your hands without harsh chemicals. Use it like any other hand cleaner. Just spray it on, work it into the grease, paint, and grime; then rinse it off.

Using acetone gets nail polish off your hands. It also can ruin the polish you just put on your nails. Washing your hands with shaving cream removes the nail polish from your skin but leaves it on the nails.

Surprising Things You Can Clean With Shaving Cream (2025)


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