Quickly Solving Jigidi Puzzles (2024)


Okay, let’s take a look at GCAKWDE. The first jigsaw says:

You wake up feeling a strange buzzing sensation through your hands. Its as if a new magical source you have never felt before is pulsing through your veins. Are you… Are youa wizard now? That’s Pretty Cool! It’s a nice day. What do you want to do first?

Uh, that weird feeling in my veins is freaking me out- lets go back to bed.

Google Your Symptoms

Go to Urgent Care

It’s a nice day you say? Let’s go Geocaching!

I have magical abilities? Let’s test them out!

I’m going to take the first answer in each “choice”, see where that ends up. Worst case, it’ll help somebody else:

Go back to bed

Blocked artery or vein:
Another possibility is a partial blockage in an artery or vein from a clot or some kind of injury. The buzzing sensation may be from the blood forcing its way through theblocked vein or artery

Well Surely today is my last day, I can drop dead at any moment! Or maybe I just need some fresh air and exercise?

Go to Urgent Care

Well if today is my last day I want to spend it geocaching

Is there any other option that doesn’t involve leaving home?

Go to Urgent Care

You go to Urgent Care and wait in a room full of people. Some are very sick, some… some you’re not too sure why they are even here. Then again you decided to come herebecause you felt a tingle in your veins. The more you think about it, the more this isn’t worth your $50 co-pay. You wait anyways. An ad on the waiting room TV announcesInside-O-Corp’s latest exciting announcement. The company sounds vaguely familiar to you but you can’t place it. Before you can give it too much thought the nurse calls youback. She seems tired and annoyed. You explain your symptoms. She takes your vitals. The Doctor comes in. ‘You have a tingle sensation in your veins? Do you have any pain?No? Well your vitals look good. If it continues follow up with your primary care.’ You feel silly for coming and frustrated, but you understand.

Well if today is or isn’t my last day I want to spend it geocaching

Is there any other option that doesn’t involve leaving home?

Well if today is or isn’t my last day I want to spend it geocaching:

Ah Yes! Geocaching! You open up your map, and while there are still plenty of caches for you to find, you can’t help but notice the growing empty space on the map. There hasbeen an epidemic of ‘muggled’ caches recently. So much so, it seems only an organized group could pull off such a feat. Rumors spread from ‘kids these days just don’tappreciate Geocaching’ to ‘someone or something BIG is behind this. You try not to get too involved in the politics of it all. You’re just here to enjoy the sunshine andfind some containers in the woods. You set your sights on one near home and head over.

Go to GZ!

Go to GZ!

Just as your coordinates start to get closer to zero you see someone. Is it another cacher? Wait. No! This guy is destroying the Geocache! What the heck!

Who know what this guy is capable of, lets just go home and find something inside to do

No. I’m not standing for this- Fight him!

Yell at him

Who know what this guy is capable of, lets just go home and find something inside to do

This is all just too much. You decide to just spend the day on the couch. The same commercial keeps playing for Inside-O-Corp. ‘Enjoy the Great Indoors’. You look upinformation about Inside-O-Corp. Inside-O-Corp, Technology Company Founder: Mel D. Lug, INSOCOR Stock Price $400 +3.4%. Inside-O-Corp is a multi-billion dollar company ownedand operated by Mel D. Lug since 2020. Mel originally started his business in his basem*nt building Virtual Reality Machines or VR equipment. With the explosion of cryptocurrency during the 2020 pandemic, Lug decided to merge the two businesses. A VR company that would pay it’s users to mine for Crypto currency and watch advertisem*nts. Overthe years, Inside-O-Corp has grown to providing multiple jobs and offering benefits exclusive to it’s employees, such as schooling for children, food delivery services,electricity bill coverage and complementary at home installation of Wi-Fi and services. All these services are taken from an employee’s check at a highly discounted rate.Some have called Inside-O-Corp dystopian, some call it the future. Some say we are already living inside the Virtual Reality set by Inside-O-Corp.

Interesting. You have been getting annoyed at the lack of benefits from your current job. Maybe this is the route to go? You do enjoy a delivered meal from time to time. Andyou’ve heard of some great VR games.

Join Inside-O-Corp

Hmm. This feels like a trap. Maybe I should give geocaching another go.

Join Inside-O-Corp

The day your first headset arrives. You start your first few assignments. You make friends from around the world. You seem to need to take the headset off less and less astime goes on. You visit countries all around the world from the comfort of your desk, your couch, and eventually your bed. You meet the love of your life in Inside O Corp VRworld. You gain promotions. You meet with friends virtually. You hear on the new carbon emissions are at a world record low. Years have now past. You feel your time is near.As you lay on your virtual hospital bed, a tear rolls down your cheek. What a beautiful life you have lived. All from the comfort of your own home. What was that otherhobby? Geo… Something? It all seems so unfamiliar. You drift off to the next life.
-The end-
Geocaching has been wiped from the world. As a result there is no cache to be found. Oh well.

Okay, so that’s a dead end. Rewinding one step (Hmm. This feels like a trap. Maybe I should give geocaching another go.) and trying Yell athim

“Destroying this geocache. Whats it to you?
“Well stop doing that”
That didn’t seem very effective.
He turns to walk away, chuckling to himself

Punch him

Go home

Try fighting using magic

Punch him

Well this is the last straw! You swing at him and hit him square in the jaw. He stops laughing.
“What the hell is your issue?!”
“You were destroying a geocache!” You yell back.
“So you just hit me? This is a child’s game and just leaves litter all over the place.”
He has a point- not about the child’s game or the litter thing. But about the ‘not hitting random strangers when you first meet them’ thing- even if they are beingdestructive. “Fair point. I really shouldn’t have hit you, I don’t know what came over me.” You feel a little awkward. Since when do you just walk up to people and hit them?
He eye balls you for a moment trying to decide what to do. “tell you what. We can forget this whole thing happened if you join me. You are pretty good hitter, and with someguidance, I think we could use a tough personality like yours on our team.”
“What team?”
“I can’t give you much detail, but our group is called the Muggles. If you agree to join us, we will make it worth your while. Your other option is to deny. In which case Iwill contact the police about how you just hit me. I even have the mark forming as we speak, so its up to you.”
Join the Muggles

Don’t do the Crime if you can’t do the time!

Join the Muggles

You join the muggles. Day and Day out you destroy geocaches. Until one day…
One day you are given your own Executive Inside O Corp VR headset. Wait…. Inside O Corp was behind the Muggles all along?


Okay, we know that’s a dead end. Go home‘s ID points to a known jigsaw. So let’s try Try fighting using magic

Yeah! Let’s Fight him! You yell at the strange man. He turns to face you. YOU… You… you’re not really sure what to do. Maybe that tingle in your veins was magic. You quicklythink of some magical words. “FIREBALL!” nothing happens. The man looks slightly concerned. Then busts out laughing.

Punch him

I still think I have magical abilities. Let’s let this go and go to the library for answers

I still think I have magical abilities. Let’s let this go and go to the library for answers

You go to the library and find a whole section dedicated to magic. Who knew? Time to study

Keep Studying

Lets go home

Keep Studying

Your brain fills with so much information on spells, enchantments, ingredients, curses, and even forgotten languages. The tingling in your veins grows.

Keep studying!

Go home

Keep Studying (again)

You piece together the symbols and think you have an idea of what it says, but you’re not sure.

Going to include the picture of that jigsaw because it looks like a possible flag code?

Quickly Solving Jigidi Puzzles (1)

Moving on…

You see blue flames grow from your hands. It feels cold. You see the pages in the books in front of you start to char. You instantly tense your arms to reign the flames in.

Well that was weird, time to go home

Lets see about that muggle…

All the “home” options point to the same place and get you looped back around, as we’ve already discovered, so Lets see about that muggle…

You float to the nearest geocache. Magic coursing through your veins. People stare, but you have one objective. You see him. The muggle, with a different geocache.Destroying it. Your voice booms out. ‘CEASE AT ONCE!’ Flames erupt around you. The muggle tries to run but using your magic you bend the trees into unnatural shapes aroundhim holding him in place. ‘SPEAK, WHY DO YOU DO THIS?!” The muggle struggles to free himself, ‘Please let me go, I’ll tell you everything.’
‘OK, OK, Ok!’ the muggle sighs. ‘I’m with a group, i’m sure you know. But we call ourselves the muggles. We work for Inside-O-Corp. Please I’m just a temporary worker. Ijust needed a job and this paid well.
‘I- I- I don’t know, I’m just a temporary worker. Please, believe me.”
the muggle looks defeated.

Follow the muggle to the hide out

Follow the muggle to the hide out

You float through the doorway of an abandoned building to see various people sitting at desks and couches, reviewing cache pages. They have walkie-talkies, and maps all overthe walls of where caches are hidden. This seems too well orchestrated for just a gang of kids, or adults. The room goes quiet as your magical shadow leers over all who arein the building.
“I REQUEST THE BOSS’ you boom.
A nervous worker hands you a business card.
Mel D. Lug- Inside-O-Corp.
You leave at once to the headquarters.



You easily teleport to the headquarters of Inside-O-Corp. You find yourself in front of the notorious Mel D. Lug.
“WHY!?” you boom.
A sinister laugh escapes Mel.

“You don’t understand. I am standing on the edge of saving humanity from itself. Look out there. All you see is pollution, wars, starvation, sadness. What I can offerhumanity is much greater-”
Mel Disappears and is replaced with an advertisem*nt.

And still moving on…

‘Enjoy the Great Indoors’. Information begins to play about Inside-O-Corp. Inside-O-Corp, Technology Company Founder: Mel D. Lug, INSOCOR Stock Price $400 +3.4%.Inside-O-Corp is a multi-billion dollar company owned and operated by Mel D. Lug since 2020. Mel originally started his business in his basem*nt building Virtual RealityMachines or VR equipment. With the explosion of crypto currency during the 2020 pandemic, Lug decided to merge the two businesses. A VR company that would pay it’s users tomine for Crypto currency and watch advertisem*nts. Over the years, Inside-O-Corp has grown to providing multiple jobs and offering benefits exclusive to it’s employees, suchas schooling for children, food delivery services, electricity bill coverage and complementary at home installation of Wi-Fi and services. All these services are taken froman employee’s check at a highly discounted rate. Some have called Inside-O-Corp dystopian, some call it the future. Some say we are already living inside the Virtual Realityset by Inside-O-Corp.

Interesting. You have been getting annoyed at the lack of benefits from your current job. Maybe this is the route to go? You do enjoy a delivered meal from time to time. Andyou’ve heard of some great VR games.
Join Inside-O-Corp

Aren’t I powerful wizard? I WANT TO GEOCACHE! Let’s GO!!!
Use your telepathic abilities to locate Mel

That first one I think we’ve tried, so let’s Use your telepathic abilities to locate Mel:

You use your magical abilities to locate Mel once more. This time there are two of him
“Why do you resist? What is it about your precious geocaches that prevents you from joining us? You can travel the world, make friends- even find love and riches. Join me.”
You shoot a fire ball at one of the Mels, it evaporates.

‘You see there is no ‘living side by side’. For as long as geocaching lasts, there is a hole in my market demographic. But this world I can give you, you can create anythingyou want. You are indeed a powerful wizard. Join me. We can rule this life together.


Food delivery its free right?


You shoot a fire ball at Mel, four more appear.
‘When will you learn is useless to fight me. JOIN US OR YOU SHALL PERISH”

Your body fills with rage, flames erupt from you filling the whole room. Everything is burnt to a crisp. You don’t see Mel anymore but you hear his laughter. You search, andsearch but can’t find him, or any trace of anything. Its all darkness around you. This. This can’t be. How do you still hear him but can’t see him? “Because I already haveyou” Mels voice plays in your head. “Its so much easier if you just join me.” Mel continues.

But you have come too far to give up now. Using your psychic vision powers, your eyes turn white. You see the outline of Mel. This darkness. Its only a room. He’s on theother side of a wall- Microphone in hand. THIS. ENDS. NOW! Using all your strength you rip through the walls to get to Mel. Fear strikes his eyes as you charge up for afinal hit…

Oh my god Mzzerpants I’m on the edge of my seat, will you finally give me coords?

Oh my god Mzzerpants I’m on the edge of my seat, will you finally give me coords?

An acorn hits your head. You open your eyes. You’re laying the ground in the mud by some trees. What happened?
You rub the back of your head. You must have slipped when you were grabbing the cache. The ideas of VR, and Muggles is starting to fade.
Huh.. You may have just came up with an idea for a cache.
N 41° 08.522 W 081° 21.473

The coordinates for GCAKWDE are N 41° 08.522 W 081° 21.473. Confirmed using solution checker.

Quickly Solving Jigidi Puzzles (2024)


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Author: Van Hayes

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Author information

Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

Address: 2004 Kling Rapid, New Destiny, MT 64658-2367

Phone: +512425013758

Job: National Farming Director

Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.