DIY Beard Balm Recipe (2025)


February 6, 2018March 24, 2018 by Rachel2 Comments on DIY Beard Balm Recipe

I know I’m not the only one who finds shopping for men really hard, and as for making them DIY gifts, that’s even more of a challenge! But one of my biggest DIY hits was the beard balm I made for my husband several years back now.Yesterday on local TV I demonstrated how to make your own DIY beard balm as a Valentine’s Day gift for the bearded men in your life, so I thought I’d re-post the beard balm recipe with some new photos in case you’re looking for a gift you can make for men.

DIY Beard Balm Recipe (1)

DIY Beard Balm Recipe (2)
When I was prepping to demonstrate this recipe, Steven told me that he actually uses this beard balm as a hair-styling product even more than on his beard. So it’s a multi-purpose men’s grooming product, not just a beard balm, which means you can make it even for people who don’t have facial hair. You’ll probably just want to re-brand it with your own labels.
DIY Beard Balm Recipe (3)

P.S. The tray the beard balm is on is my black concrete tray, which you can also make!

DIY Beard Balm Recipe

1Tbsp (7 g)beeswax, coarsely chopped (or use beeswax pellets)
2 Tbsp (25 g)shea butter
1 Tbsp (6.5 g)cocoa butter
1 Tbsp(9 g)jojoba oil
2 tsp (8 g)sweet almond oil
1 tsp (5 g)coconut oil

3 drops peppermint essential oil
2drops cedarwood essential oil
2dropsrosemary essential oil

Other Materials:

Tin or glass container for balm –These tins are similar to the one I used, but they’re not available on Amazon individually. I bought mine at a local herb shop, but I think it was one of these tins.
Container to melt ingredients in, like a tin can
Chopstick or skewer
For labels:
Printable sticker/label paper
Spray sealer

Add all of the beard balm ingredients (but not the essential oils, yet) to a small jar or tin, and place in a saucepan. (The container you’re storing it in is probably too shallow for this step.A tin can is a good choice, but you should avoid glass, since it can crack from direct heat.)Add water to the pan to an inch or two below the top of the jar, and heat overmedium heatuntil everything melts and liquifies. Keep a close eye on it, and stir with a disposable skeweror wooden chopstick.

After everything has melted, add essential oils just a few drops at a time to scent your balm, and stir to combine. When you’ve achieved the scent you want, pour your beard balm into a tin or smalljar, and allow to cool.

If you want a label for your jar, re-size mine to fit your container (or design your own!), print the label onsticker paper,, cut it out, then give it a couple of coats of spray sealer before sticking it to your container. (Without a sealer the ink may run from contact with moisture.)

Here are the labels I made (vintage graphics from here):


  • My Double Back Gate with Arbor

DIY Beard Balm Recipe (7)

  1. Loved your recipe for Beard Balm, but am having a hard time finding tin/container for it. Don’t think I’ll have enough time to order off the internet. Is there somewhere in the Portland area I could get some thing that would work.


    Kathy Brose

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DIY Beard Balm Recipe (2025)


What ingredients should be in beard balm? ›

  • 1/4 cup of beeswax pastilles.
  • 1/4 cup of shea butter.
  • 1/4 cup of cocoa butter.
  • 1/3 cup of carrier oil (olive oil, avocado oil, or coconut oil are typically easiest to find for a beard oil)
  • 2 to 10 drops of essential oil (one type or a mix)

How to make home made beard balm? ›

Wait for the beeswax and butter to completely melt. Once both ingredients have melted, add the jojoba oil and the grapeseed oil. Stir until the oils have mixed thoroughly with the beeswax and butter. Stir in the essential oil drops right before you spoon the balm into the waiting jars.

What are the four ingredient beard balm? ›

Ingredients of Beard Balm. You can make beard balm with only four key ingredients: beeswax, butter, a carrier oil, and an essential oil. As you can probably imagine, you can add more ingredients if you want to, but you should only do so once you have mastered the basics and are familiar with the making process.

How much beeswax to add to beard butter? ›

Here's What You'll Need for Homemade Beard Balm
  1. 16 g (about 2T) beeswax.
  2. 30g (about 2T) shea butter.
  3. 14g (about 1T) cocoa butter.
  4. 18g (about 2T) jojoba oil.

What is the most important ingredient in beard oil? ›

Carrier oils are the primary component of beard oils, vital for hydrating both the beard and the skin underneath. These oils are not just for moisturizing; they're also for taming and styling your beard. Mirroring the natural oils of the skin, they are particularly beneficial for encouraging beard growth and thickness.

How do you emulsify beard balm? ›

Take a small amount of balm from the tin and emulsify it in your hands. Scoop more as you see fit. Depending on how wild your beard is and how long it is, a little balm may go a long way or you may need a big scoop. Run Balm through the beard, making sure to apply it evenly.

How do you make professional beard oil? ›

  1. 1/2 oz. jojoba oil.
  2. 1/4 oz. argan oil.
  3. 1/4 oz. grapeseed oil.
  4. 5 drops nutmeg essential oil.
  5. 2 drops vanilla essential oil.
  6. 3 drops bay essential oil.
Oct 6, 2021

Is Vaseline a good beard balm? ›

For the best results, avoid the use of balms that use synthetic sealants like petroleum jelly since they are likely to damage facial hair and irritate your skin. Look for a balm that contains natural sealants only, like lanolin, beeswax, or Shea butter.

What is beard balsam? ›

Beard balm is a type of conditioner for facial hair. It has a soft, conditioner-like consistency and is designed to help hydrate and soften your beard. Beard balms may contain natural ingredients such as shea butter, which can act as a great conditioner for your beard and the skin under it.

What is better beard balm or beard oil? ›

What is the difference between beard balm vs beard oil? Beard oil is a daily use product to help moisturize any length of beard while beard balm is an as needed styling product for a more established beard. As both products are very different they should have a place in your beard routine.

How to formulate beard balm? ›

You can make beard balm with only four key ingredients: beeswax, butter, a carrier oil, and an essential oil. As you can probably imagine, you can add more ingredients if you want to, but you should only do so once you have mastered the basics and are familiar with the making process.

What is the ratio of oil to beeswax for balm? ›

I typically make my salve with an oil to beeswax ratio of 3:1 or 4:1, which results in a thick but still easily spreadable texture. For example, in my latest batch I had about 100 mL of melted beeswax so I added about 300 mL of oil.

What butter is best for beards? ›

Beard butter is typically made with natural ingredients, such as shea butter, cocoa butter, carrier oils, and essential oils. These ingredients work together to soften the beard hair, minimize itchiness, promote hair growth, and give your beard a healthy shine.

How do I choose beard balm? ›

When browsing for balms, try to avoid those with synthetic sealants, and look for natural equivalents like shea butter, lanolin and beeswax. These help to protect your beard from brittleness and breakage by enveloping it in a nurturing layer of moisturisers and conditioners.

Is oil or balm better for beards? ›

What is the difference between beard balm vs beard oil? Beard oil is a daily use product to help moisturize any length of beard while beard balm is an as needed styling product for a more established beard. As both products are very different they should have a place in your beard routine.

What are the best ingredients for beard conditioner? ›

The ingredients include hempseed oil, argan oil, jojoba oil and vitamin E. The beard oils are scented with essential oils, ensuring quality. They are jam packed with nutrients to moisturise and nourish your hair, follicles and the skin beneath the beard.

Are beard butter and beard balm the same? ›

Beard butter is typically a softer, more creamy product that is primarily used for conditioning and softening the beard, while beard balm is a firmer, waxier product that provides hold and shape for styling.


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Author: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

Address: 2033 Gerhold Pine, Port Jocelyn, VA 12101-5654

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Hobby: Jogging, Metalworking, Tai chi, Shopping, Puzzles, Rock climbing, Crocheting

Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.