Deaths From All Causes
All Deaths is the sum of deaths from all causes. Monitoring death and death rates helps assess increases or decreases and target prevention opportunities for those most at risk. In 2022, the age-adjusted rate per 100,000 population of Deaths From All Causes (All) in Alachua County was 767.4 compared to Florida at 738.1. Since the oldest age at death varies, an ending age of 999 is used to retrieve all records up to and including the oldest age. The map illustrates county data by quartile. A quartile map is presented when there are at least 51 counties with data for this measure.
Age Range (0 to 999)
Select Ages
Age-adjusted Deaths From All Causes, Single Year * Click a legend category to hide or show that category. Age-adjusted Deaths From All Causes, Rate Per 100,000 Population, Single Year Age-adjusted Deaths From All Causes, Rate Per 100,000 Population, 2022 * Mouseover map to see county name and value. * Click a legend category to hide or show that category. Age-adjusted Deaths From All Causes, Rate Per 100,000 Population, 2022Alachua County
Alachua Florida Data Year Count Rate Count Rate 2022 2,307 767.4 238,953 738.1 2021 2,435 829.6 261,246 802.9 2020 2,306 816.7 239,381 748.4 2019 2,011 732.7 206,975 665.6 2018 2,030 764.8 205,461 679.4 2017 1,936 728.9 203,353 688.3 2016 1,946 755.8 197,236 686.2 2015 1,882 746.3 191,488 680.9 2014 1,832 751.5 185,038 676.7 2013 1,799 764.8 180,014 676.9 2012 1,703 752.3 175,849 680.1 2011 1,723 761.3 172,856 688.9 2010 1,717 762.5 172,509 687.4 2009 1,685 774.6 169,854 667.4 2008 1,635 766.0 170,473 680.3 2007 1,620 797.0 167,708 688.3 2006 1,634 833.1 169,365 709.5 2005 1,554 823.8 170,300 734.5 2004 1,557 824.8 168,364 741.6 2003 1,602 885.7 168,459 766.6 Florida
County Count Rate Florida 238,953 738.1 Alachua 2,307 767.4 Baker 330 1,085.5 Bay 2,148 924.5 Bradford 351 970.9 Brevard 8,641 859.0 Broward 17,180 678.5 Calhoun 211 1,146.6 Charlotte 3,313 744.6 Citrus 3,250 1,011.0 Clay 2,336 937.0 Collier 4,474 534.6 Columbia 1,058 1,133.3 Miami-Dade 22,732 634.5 Desoto 415 829.6 Dixie 273 1,052.1 Duval 9,879 902.1 Escambia 4,105 1,063.2 Flagler 1,744 765.8 Franklin 171 956.6 Gadsden 590 1,046.4 Gilchrist 239 909.6 Glades 157 755.5 Gulf 244 967.2 Hamilton 183 1,111.5 Hardee 312 1,018.1 Hendry 372 851.7 Hernando 3,249 959.8 Highlands 1,908 839.8 Hillsborough 12,825 793.3 Holmes 307 1,108.5 Indian River 2,606 759.6 Jackson 713 1,084.2 Jefferson 194 832.8 Lafayette 111 1,163.2 Lake 5,326 749.6 Lee 9,228 638.7 Leon 2,362 806.8 Levy 651 925.9 Liberty 66 811.2 Madison 304 1,223.9 Manatee 4,945 654.1 Marion 6,304 941.7 Martin 2,289 642.6 Monroe 782 591.8 Nassau 1,156 875.3 Okaloosa 2,172 899.2 Okeechobee 562 1,033.4 Orange 10,009 702.0 Osceola 3,156 765.1 Palm Beach 16,551 605.3 Pasco 7,505 851.8 Pinellas 13,100 770.1 Polk 8,495 821.3 Putnam 1,178 1,086.0 Saint Johns 2,622 658.1 Saint Lucie 4,182 748.8 Santa Rosa 2,039 946.7 Sarasota 6,747 635.9 Seminole 4,148 727.6 Sumter 2,701 730.4 Suwannee 704 1,088.0 Taylor 338 1,170.5 Union 249 1,354.3 Volusia 8,271 900.6 Wakulla 410 1,142.4 Walton 895 863.0 Washington 353 1,145.0
6/7/2024 12:36:02 PM
Data Note(s) is provided by the Florida Department of Health, Division of Public Health Statistics and Performance Management.
Data Source: Florida Department of Health, Bureau of Vital Statistics
ICD-10 Code(s): ALL CODES
Chart will display if there are at least three years of data.
Multi-year counts are a sum of the selected years, not an average.
Use caution when interpreting rates and ratios based on small numbers of events. Rates and ratios are considered unstable if they are based on fewer than 5 cases or if the denominator (population at risk) is fewer than 20. An erratic trend line illustrates this instability.
Quartiles are calculated when data are available for at least 51 counties.
Rates by race alone, White, Black or Other Race, are without regard to ethnicity and are available starting with 1989. For example, the White rate includes both White Hispanic and White Non-Hispanic populations.
Rates by ethnicity alone, Hispanic and Non-Hispanic, are without regard to race and are available starting with 2004. For example, the Hispanic rate includes all Hispanic populations whether White, Black or Other Race.
Population - Rates are calculated using July 1 population estimates from the Florida Legislature, Office of Economic and Demographic Research which have been allocated by race based on information from the US Bureau of the Census. It is customary to periodically revise population estimates based on new information, such as a census or new mid-course census estimates for prior years. Revising these estimates ensures more accurate accounting of the racial, ethnic, and sex distribution of the population. These changes affect the population data and rates calculated for your community.
When rates are per 100,000 population they are calculated using population estimates provided by the Florida Legislature, Office of Economic and Demographic Research. All age-adjusted rates utilize the Year 2000 Standard Population Proportion.
Changes in cause of death coding occurred in 1999. Consequently, increases or decreases shown in 1999, compared to prior years, may be due to coding changes rather than actual increases or decreases in disease trends.
Starting with 2003 deaths, the sum of the deaths from all counties will not equal the total number of resident deaths due to an unknown county of residence on some records.
MOV - Measure of Variability: Probable range of values resulting from random fluctuations in the number of events. Not calculated when numerator is below 5 or denominator is below 20, or count or rate is suppressed. The MOV is useful for comparing rates to a goal or standard. For example, if the absolute difference between the county rate and the statewide rate is less than the MOV, the county rate is not significantly different from the statewide rate (alpha level = 0.05). When the absolute difference between the county rate and the statewide rate is greater than the MOV, the county rate is significantly different from the statewide rate. MOV should not be used to determine if the rates of two different counties, or the county rates for two different years, are statistically significantly different.
denom - abbreviated for Denominator.
Population estimates are not available for persons whose county of residence is unknown. Given this, the denominator and associated rate are not available.
* - Indicates the county rate is statistically significantly different from the statewide rate.
- Deaths are reported based on single underlying cause of death unless stated otherwise.
- This is primary, quantitative data.