Blue Mage solo Treasure Maps (2024)

Been doing Gazelleskin maps solo on Blue Mage lately, figured I'd put out a few notes and it turned into this monstrosity

My Spellset

Status Spells
[12] Bristle
[30] Mighty Guard (Always on)
[49] Veil of the Whorl
[77] Aetheric Mimicry (Find a healer, use before you begin)

Healer Stuff
[58] Pom Cure
[59] Gobskin
[73] Exuviation (Very few status afflictions in here, but have it anyway)

Single Targets
[75] Devour (Use with Bristle)
[105] Goblin Punch (Basic attack)
[121] Mortal Flame (Use with Bristle)

AoE Spells
[28] Bad Breath
[47] Shock Strike (Or [46] Mountain Buster, they're the same thing)
[78] Surpanakha
[80] J Kick (Or [79] Quasar, same thing without the gap closer)
[103] Phantom Flurry
[104] Nightbloom
[109] Breath Of Magic (Use with Bristle)
[122] Sea Shanty
[124] Being Mortal
[45] Eruption (Or [44] Feather Rain, they're the same thing) on a macro to avoid having to ground target:


/micon Eruption blueaction/blueaction Eruption <t>

Outside the dungeons
[33] The Ram's Voice
[35] Missile
[92] Ultravibration
[97] Hydro Pull

Inside the dungeons
[53] Electrogenesis or [93] Blaze or [94] Mustard Bomb (Ranged AoE, they're all the same)
[63] Sonic Boom (Ranged attack)
[69] Perpetual Ray (Stun that can't be resisted except for final boss, 3 second cast time)
[91] Basic Instinct (Use it as soon as you enter each dungeon)

Spell Changing Macros

You can't swap out a spell that's still on timer or in use (ie your status spells) and that prevents you from doing a nice and easy set swap going in and out of the dungeons, so I macro my swaps.

Make sure everything lights up, sometimes they glitch and skip a spell.

These macros for for the XHotbars that I use. The number is the Xbar number, then R or L for right or left side, A or D for ABXY or D-Pad, U D L R for Up Down Left Right

So I don't forget to change spellset after leaving a dungeon, the swap is built into my dig macro


/micon Dig/ac Dig/bluespellbook set "Sonic Boom" off/bluespellbook set "Basic Instinct" off/bluespellbook set "Electrogenesis" off/bluespellbook set "Perpetual Ray" off/crosshotbar blueaction "Missile" 1 RAU/crosshotbar blueaction "Hydro Pull" 2 RAR/crosshotbar blueaction "the Ram's Voice" 2 RAD/crosshotbar blueaction "Ultravibration" 1 RDD <wait.1>/bluespellbook set "Missile" on/bluespellbook set "Hydro Pull" on/bluespellbook set "the Ram's Voice" on/bluespellbook set "Ultravibration" on

Basic Instinct is built into my dungeon entry macro


/micon "Basic Instinct" blueaction/bluespellbook set "Missile" off/bluespellbook set "Hydro Pull" off/bluespellbook set "the Ram's Voice" off/bluespellbook set "Ultravibration" off/crosshotbar blueaction "Sonic Boom" 1 RAU/crosshotbar blueaction "Basic Instinct" 2 RAR/crosshotbar blueaction "Electrogenesis" 2 RAD/crosshotbar blueaction "Perpetual Ray" 1 RDD <wait.1>/bluespellbook set "Sonic Boom" on/bluespellbook set "Basic Instinct" on /bluespellbook set "Electrogenesis" on/bluespellbook set "Perpetual Ray" on <wait.1>/blueaction "Basic Instinct"

Toad Oil last 180 seconds, use this macro to get the buff before opening a chest in the canals or spinning the wheel in the altars, without using up an extra slot:


/micon "Toad Oil" blueaction/bluespellbook set "Bristle" off/bluespellbook set "Toad Oil" on/blueaction "Toad Oil" <wait.3>/bluespellbook set "Toad Oil" off/bluespellbook set "Bristle" on

Gear and Food

  • The level 70 dungeons are synched to i370
  • Use i495+ gear to max out both secondary stats (materia is ignored on gear over i370)
  • Most of your damage is DoT and abilities, focus on Crit Hit/Direct Hit > Determination >>> Spell Speed for secondary stats
  • You'll have around 1070 VIT inside and secondary stats cap out at around 1250, HQ i610 or higher food will max out your HP (it's almost a 12% increase)

Open World Fight

There are 3 different mob patterns

  • 4 mobs at once
    Run into the middle, The Ram's Voice > Ultravibration
  • 1 big mob, adds at 80%, adds at 40%
    Missile boss until you hit him twice, then Hydro Pull > The Ram's Voice > Ultravibration
  • 3 mobs, then 3 mobs, then 3 mobs
    The Ram's Voice > Ultravibration the first pack
    Cycle through and give each a Missile as they spawn, then The Ram's Voice, after you've hit each with a Missile, Phantom Flurry will get them all a punch or two from death
    Treat the 3rd pack same as the 2nd, with Sea Shanty/Being Mortal/etc instead of Flurry

There's about a 50% chance of a portal opening, which will take you to either the Canals (~30%) or the Altar (~70%)

The Lost Canals of Uznair - Videos of all chamber enemy patterns

  • Use Basic Instinct first thing (or have it set to go off as part of your spell change macro)
  • There's a 5-10% chance that a rainbow path will appear to one of the doors after clearing a chamber and opening the chest in the first 4 chambers, that door has a 100% success rate
  • Bristle > Gobskin before opening the chest
  • Lead with Bristle > Breath Of Magic & Bad Breath for packs
  • 4 different enemy patterns per chamber
  • Low potential for optional adds, configurations
    • 1 Mantanga
    • 1 Namazu
    • 2 Namazu
    • 1 Mantanga + 1 Namazu
  • Optional add behavior
    • Namazu
      • Despawn after 30 seconds if not killed
      • Have a lot of HP, it takes 20 second of focused attacks or some nukes to kill them
      • Slowly wander around until attacked, run around after being attacked, lightly slapping you as they pass
      • Loot bag:
        • 1st-3rd Chambers
          • Around 200 crystals (2 stacks of different types 75-125)
          • Around 200 clusters (2 stacks of different types 25-75, 2 more stacks of different types 25-75)
          • 10,000 gil (About 10% chance of being tripled to 30,000)
        • 4th-6th Chambers
          • Around 300 crystals (2 stacks of different types 125-175)
          • Around 400 clusters (2 stacks of different types 75-125, 2 more stacks of different types 75-125)
          • 15,000 gil (chance of being tripled to 45,000)
        • Final Chamber
          • Around 400 crystals (2 stacks of different types 175-225)
          • Around 600 clusters (2 stacks of different types 125-175, 2 more stacks of different types 125-175)
          • 35,000 gil
    • Matanga
      • Will despawn after 30 seconds if not attacked - If attacked, they must be killed
      • Drops a chest with grade IV-VI materia in it, no gil or Tomes
      • Hit really hard for less than 1k junk to sell to NPC, leave them alone

1st Chamber

  • Cages in front, left and right all open at once
  • 4 mobs come out of each, all are the same
  • Halgai are ranged attackers and take some effort to round up
  • Veil of the Whorl, round them up, Breath Of Magic > Nightbloom > Eruption > Phantom Flurry

2nd Chamber

  • All cages have 3 of the same mobs
  • Front cage opens first, right cage opens after you kill 2 from the front cage, left cage opens when you kill 2 from the right cage
  • First pack use big hit spells/abilities, 2nd and 3rd only use Eruption/J Kick/Shock Strike to save big hitters for 3rd chamber

3rd Chamber

  • All cages have the same group of 4 different mobs
  • 20 second timer between cage openings, released front > right > left
  • AoE attacks are weak, they probably won't break Gobskin
  • Hit the first two packs hard so you're not dealing with multiple groups
  • One of the four possible groups has two ranged attackers, one green one purple. Plan for it when rounding them up
  • The Ape in the jungle group can throw a ranged AoE, if you are too close when he drops he could stay up top and toss it from there

4th Chamber

  • One big mob from the front cage, pretty weak attacks and easy to dodge AoE
  • The Wraith is one of 4 possible big mobs, he has a full arena charm move that rarely lands. Swiftcast > Perpetual Ray it
  • At 70% health, the right cage releases 4 mobs, Bristle > Breath of Magic > Bad Breath and keep yourself alive
  • At 30% health, the left cage releases 4 mobs, Bristle > Breath of Magic > Bad Breath and keep yourself alive

5th Chamber

  • 3 small mobs release from the front
  • When two of the first group are dead, the right cage releases 3 more - a big guy with 2 smaller mobs - and the timer for the really big guy starts
  • Bristle > Breath of Magic > Bad Breath > AoE burst, you should be able to kill them all off as the big guy releases
  • 20 seconds after the second group pops a big nasty pops from the left cage

6th Chamber

  • 3 mobs from the front, then 3 from the left after all of the first 3 are dead, then 3 from the left after those 3 are dead
  • The groups are one big mob and two small mobs, kill the small ones ASAP then recover as you kill the big one
  • One of the potential patterns has 2 Roselet in each group, they're weeds with a knockback that inflicts nasty poison, kill those ASAP, use Exuviation if you get poisoned

7th Chamber

  • Big Boss is waiting in the middle
  • Boss and adds are immune to almost everything, Bad Breath is just poison + Damage Down, Perpetual Ray fully resisted
  • DO NOT use Breath of Magic or Mortal Flame until after boss is below 50% HP
  • At 70% the right cage opens with 4 elementals (ranged attackers) J Kick > Pom Cure/weave AoE spam
  • Recover as you get the boss to 50%, when optional adds might spawn
  • Kill any Namazu that spawn, ignore any Matanga
  • Bristle > Breath of Magic and Bristle > Mortal Flame boss
  • At 30% the left cage opens with 4 mobs, keep yourself alive
The Shifting Altars of Uznair - Videos of all Summons
  • Use Basic Instinct first thing (or have it set to go off as part of your spell change macro)
  • Spin the wheel, there are 6 different types of circles it can land on
  • No use in buffing before your spin, the animation takes over 30 seconds, and boss aggros you right away after spawning
  • For spins 2-4, I wait until recast timer for Nightbloom is under 38 seconds, and recast timers for Sea Shanty & Being Mortal are each under 70 seconds
  • Optional adds are more common than in the Canals, Lesser/Greater/Boss summon possible configurations
    • 1 Mantanga
    • 1 Namazu
    • 2 Namazu
    • 1 Mantanga + 1 Namazu
    • Numbered Mandragora
  • Elder summons always have the same optional ads
    • Mandragora - numbered Mandragora
    • Airavata - 3 Mantanga and 2 Namazu
    • The Great Gold Whisker - 4 Namazu
    • Namazu
      • Despawn after 30 seconds if not killed
      • Slowly wander around until attacked, run around after being attacked, lightly slapping you as they pass
      • Much less HP than the Canals, you can kill them with 2-3 normal attacks
      • Loot bag:
        • 1st-3rd Invocation*
          • Around 200 crystals (2 stacks of different types 75-125)
          • Around 200 clusters (2 stacks of different types 25-75, 2 more stacks of different types 25-75)
          • 4,500 gil (Around 10% chance of doubling to 9,000)
        • 4th Invocation
          • Around 300 crystals (2 stacks of different types 125-175)
          • Around 400 clusters (2 stacks of different types 75-125, 2 more stacks of different types 75-125)
          • 7,000 gil (Around 20% chance of +50% bonus for 10,500)
        • Final Invocation
          • Around 400 crystals (2 stacks of different types 175-225)
          • Around 600 clusters (2 stacks of different types 125-175, 2 more stacks of different types 125-175)
          • 10,000 gil (Better than 50% chance of doubling to 20,000)
        • *There is a bug where a single Namazu loot bag on the 3rd round will give you 4th round loot if you open the bag after opening the boss chest and the instance displaying "4th Invocation," it doesn't happen with the Elder summons that have multiple Namazu every time
    • Numbered mandragora
      • 5 of them with numbers 1-5 over their heads
      • Wander around until you attack one
      • Despawn after 60 seconds if not killed
      • Kill all of them out of order for a loot sack 100 gil and 10 Poetics
      • When attacked they run around and slap you/do AoE if you are nearby
      • Kill in order for a loot chest:
        • 1st-4th Invocation (except 4th Elder Summon)
          • 20 Poetics
          • Around 200 crystals (2 stacks of different types 75-125)
          • Around 100 clusters (2 stacks of different types 25-75)
          • 3,000 gil
        • 4th Invocation (Elder Summon only)
          • 40 Poetics
          • Around 300 crystals (2 stacks of different types 125-175)
          • Around 200 clusters (2 stacks of different types 75-125)
          • 5,000 gil
        • Final Invocation
          • 40 Poetics
          • Around 400 crystals (2 stacks of different types 175-225)
          • Around 300 clusters (2 stacks of different types 125-175)
          • 5,000 gil
    • Matanga
      • Will despawn after 30 seconds if not attacked - If attacked, they must be killed
      • Drops a chest with grade IV-VI materia in it, no gil or Tomes
      • Hit really hard for less than 1k junk to sell to NPC, leave them alone

Magenta - Atamos

  • Sucks you in and spits you out of the dungeon
  • Can be zapped by lightning and his circle flips over to White/Blue/Green/Red/Gold
    • Always zapped if it's the first roll
    • If previous roll was Gold it will always flip to Gold when zapped (only for level 70 fights, 80-90 maps the circles can unshift)

White - Abomination

  • Little elephant dude comes out and says hi, then leaves and you get a chest with a (formerly) rare and expensive minion in it
  • It almost never lands on White

Blue - Lesser Summon

  • Each has mandatory adds that pop and aggro at 70% or 45 seconds into the fight, optional adds rarely pop with them or separately
  • They have a fixed ability rotation that they cycle through fairly quickly, most are 3 abilities about 5 seconds apart
  • After the adds pop they add to the rotation
    • Owl is the only one that leads with a Tank Buster, it's his lead move then always follows Chirp
    • Dullahan has a knockback followed by group damage in phase 2, start casting Perpetual Ray ASAP after the knockback
    • Chimera/Manticore/Totem/Wolf don't have any unavoidable moves
  • Once you get the rotation down, you can stun the TB with Perpetual Ray, or just Gobskin and Pom Cure your way through it

Green - Greater Summon

  • No Mandatory adds, fixed rotation that they add to after they cross 70% HP
  • Optional adds sometimes pop
  • All except the Bird have a nasty Tank Buster that they will lead with about 5 seconds into the fight

Red - Elder Summon

  • Optional Adds spawn at 70% HP, Mandragora has mandatory adds that spawn at the same time
  • All have a nasty Tank Buster that they will lead with about 5 seconds into the fight

Gold - The Circles Shift

  • You fight an Elder Summon
  • The next roll all White/Blue/Green/Red circles are gone, it's just Gold and Atamos
  • 2 Gold in a row boss gives drops an extra chest, 3 in a row drops 3 chests, etc

5th Roll - The Boss

  • Will either be Red or Gold (can only be Gold if 4th spin was Gold)
  • 3 different bosses, all basically the same
  • Deadly Hold is the tank buster for them all, and they can't be stunned by Perpetual Ray
  • Mandatory adds pop at 70%

The Hidden Canals of Uznair - Video of Final Boss

Thief's Map Drop Locations

  • The Lost Canals of Uznair 3rd/4th chamber chest, about 10%
  • The Lost Canals of Uznair 5th/6th chamber chest, about 40%
  • The Lost Canals of Uznair final chamber chest, 100%
  • The Shifting Altars of Uznair Greater Summon chest, about 5%
  • The Shifting Altars of Uznair Elder Summon 1st/2nd invocation chest, about 10% per chest**
  • The Shifting Altars of Uznair Elder Summon 3rd/4th invocation chest, about 40% per chest**
  • The Shifting Altars of Uznair Final Invocation chest, 100% per chest**
    **Multiple Gold rolls in The Shifting Altars of Uznair results in multiple chests per fight
    Assuming you don't die, you'll average around 1 thief's map for every 5-6 Gazelleskin maps

Dig Locations

  • Azim Steppe
    • (21.4, 25.3, -0.4)
    • (18.8, 23.6, -0.5)
  • Yanxia
    • (22.3, 35.0, -0.5)
    • (9.1, 33.0, -1.0)
    • (11.9, 9.1, -1.2)
    • (8.2, 16.6, -0.9)
  • Ruby Sea
    • (17.3, 25.6, -1.6)
    • (34.5, 30.3, -1.1)
    • (28.5, 14.7, -0.8)
    • (25.2, 22.9, -1.2)
    • (18.9, 18.3, -2.0)
  • The Lochs
    • (21.4, 15.8, -2.9)
    • (23.5, 25.6, -3.5)
    • (17.1, 19.1, -2.8)
    • (22.2, 21.2, -2.5)
  • Thief's Maps work like any other map, except the chest is underwater, there's no open world fight, and the portal is 100%. They are also stackable
  • Almost exactly the same as The Lost Canals of Uznair, except
  • New 7th chamber boss, same style - Elder Mantanga from Shifting Altars + 4 different elementals @70% + that annoying group from the 3rd Chamber with 2 ranged attackers @30%, possible optional ads @50%
  • There are 3 doors to choose from instead of 2, with a lower chance of proceeding each time
  • Optional adds are very frequent, possible configurations
    • 1 Mantanga
    • 1 Namazu
    • 2 Namazu
    • 1 Mantanga + 1 Namazu
    • Numbered Mandragora
  • Optional add behavior
    • Namazu
      • Despawn after 30 seconds if not killed
      • Have a lot of HP, it takes 20 second of focused attacks or some nukes to kill them
      • Slowly wander around until attacked, run around after being attacked, lightly slapping you as they pass
      • Loot bag:
        • 1st-3rd Chambers
          • Around 200 crystals (2 stacks of different types 75-125)
          • Around 200 clusters (2 stacks of different types 25-75, 2 more stacks of different types 25-75)
          • 10,000 gil (About 20% chance of being tripled to 30,000)
        • 4th-6th Chambers
          • Around 300 crystals (2 stacks of different types 125-175)
          • Around 400 clusters (2 stacks of different types 75-125, 2 more stacks of different types 75-125)
          • 15,000 gil (chance of being tripled to 45,000)
        • Final Chamber
          • Around 400 crystals (2 stacks of different types 175-225)
          • Around 600 clusters (2 stacks of different types 125-175, 2 more stacks of different types 125-175)
          • 35,000 gil
    • Numbered mandragora
      • 5 of them with numbers 1-5 over their heads
      • Wander around until you attack one
      • Despawn after 60 seconds if not killed
      • Kill all of them out of order for a loot sack 100 gil and 10 Poetics
      • When attacked they run around and slap you/do AoE if you are nearby
      • Kill in order for a loot chest:
        • 1st-3rd Chamber
          • 40 Poetics
          • Around 200 crystals (2 stacks of different types 75-125)
          • Around 100 clusters (2 stacks of different types 25-75)
          • 10,000 gil
        • 4th-6th Chamber
          • 80 Poetics
          • Around 300 crystals (2 stacks of different types 125-175)
          • Around 200 clusters (2 stacks of different types 75-125)
          • 10,000 gil
        • Final Chamber
          • 160 Poetics
          • Around 400 crystals (2 stacks of different types 175-225)
          • Around 300 clusters (2 stacks of different types 125-175)
          • 10,000 gil
    • Matanga
      • Will despawn after 30 seconds if not attacked - If attacked, they must be killed
      • Drops a chest with grade IV-VI materia in it, no gil or Tomes
      • Hit really hard for less than 1k junk to sell to NPC, leave them alone
  • After clearing a room, there's a chance you will be offered Gambler's Lure on opening the chest
  • Rainbow path can still appear when you get Gambler's Lure, the timing is after you get the reward or lose a gamble

Blue Mage solo Treasure Maps (2) Originally Posted by StouterTaru

Gambler's Lure

Occasionally when you clear a Dungeon chamber and open the main chest you're given a chance to gamble up to 5 times, for up to a 6x reward (tomes, gil, and items)

You're shown a card from 1-9, and guess if the next card flipped is higher or lower. First correct guess doubles the loot, 2nd correct guess gets you triple the original loot, etc. If you guess wrong, you lose it all

1st round, should I gamble?

  • Yes, you have a 77% of doubling your loot if you play the odds
  • You won't see the first card unless you agree to gamble, at which point it flips over the 1st card
  • It's not a deck of cards, or the deck is very large or is regularly shuffled, so all numbers 1-9 have an equal chance of occurring
  • Pick higher for 1-4, lower for 6-9, and whatever you feel for 5
  • If the 2nd card matches the first, they vanish and you get a new 1st card

I won first round, should I go again?

  • The 2nd card from the previous round will be your 1st card for the following round
  • The second gamble only increases your loot by 50% (2x to 3x) so you need a 66.7% success rate to break even on average
    • If you have a 1 or 9: 97% success chance (Yes)
    • If you have a 2 or 8: 86% success chance (Yes)
    • If you have a 3 or 7: 75% success chance (Yes)
    • If you have a 4 or 6: 64% success chance (No)
    • If you have a 5: 53% success chance (No)

I won second round, should I go again?

  • The 2nd card from the previous round will be your 1st card for the following round
  • The third gamble only increases your loot by 33.3% (3x to 4x) so you need an 75% success rate to break even on average
    • If you have a 1 or 9: 97% success chance (Yes)
    • If you have a 2 or 8: 86% success chance (Yes)
    • If you have a 3 or 7: 75% success chance (Your call, even odds)
    • If you have a 4 or 6: 64% success chance (No)
    • If you have a 5: 53% success chance (No)

I won third round, should I go again?

  • The 2nd card from the previous round will be your 1st card for the following round
  • The fourth gamble only increases your loot by 25% (4x to 5x) so you need an 80% success rate to break even on average
    • If you have a 1 or 9: 97% success chance (Yes)
    • If you have a 2 or 8: 86% success chance (Yes)
    • If you have a 3 or 7: 75% success chance (No)
    • If you have a 4 or 6: 64% success chance (No)
    • If you have a 5: 53% success chance (No)

I won fourth round, should I go again?

  • The 2nd card from the previous round will be your 1st card for the following round
  • The fourth gamble only increases your loot by 20% (5x to 6x) so you need an 83% success rate to break even on average
    • If you have a 1 or 9: 97% success chance (Yes)
    • If you have a 2 or 8: 86% success chance (Yes)
    • If you have a 3 or 7: 75% success chance (No)
    • If you have a 4 or 6: 64% success chance (No)
    • If you have a 5: 53% success chance (No)

Wait, why isn't a 1 or 9 a 100% success rate?

  • If you have a 1 and draw another 1 (1/9 chance) you're given a new card with no chance to exit with your loot
  • Playing the odds with that card, you have a 2/9 chance of losing
  • That comes out to a 2/81 chance of losing with a 1 or 9
Post for level 80 Zonureskin Maps can be found here
Blue Mage solo Treasure Maps (2024)


Which treasure maps can you solo in FFXIV? ›

Timeworn Leather Maps: Recommended for Level 40 or higher players solo, and are the easiest to obtain. Conversely though, the treasure tends be fairly minimal value. Timeworn Goatskin Maps: Recommended for Level 45 or higher players solo.

Can you solo treasure hunts in FFXIV? ›

Some maps can be completed solo, but most require a party of eight players, and all Special Event Zones that can spawn from them will sync the player's level to the instance. Because of that, it's advised that players use the Party Finder to complete Treasure Hunts.

Is Blue Mage still limited? ›

Blue mage is known as a limited job. There are several key points that distinguish it from other jobs. Blue mage functions independently of other classes and jobs, starting at level 1 with a maximum level of 80. * It is not possible to change to blue mage after entering the instance.

Can you learn blue magic unsynced? ›

You can learn spells while doing instanced content unsynced (using the “Unrestricted Party” option in the Duty Finder.) You do not have a 100% learn rate if you do this, but sometimes there are advantages to this method that outweigh the fact that you might need multiple tries to get a certain spell to drop.

How much of Final Fantasy 14 is soloable? ›

IGN's Twenty Questions - Guess the game!

Players can therefore now play the entirety of Final Fantasy 14's main story missions, including the base game and all expansions, without having to team up with other players, allowing for a slightly more traditional Final Fantasy experience.

What is the best solo job in Ffxiv? ›

The Ninja Job–which is derived from the Rogue class–boasts high burst damage and uniquely has the Hide ability that predominantly benefits solo players. The Samurai Job is another good pick as it can inflict among the most damage in the game without relying on others .

Can you finish ff14 solo? ›

It's probably one of the most solo-friendly MMOs. FFXIV's main story is designed to be incredibly solo-friendly, the problem is that FFXIV's gameplay during the leveling and story is absolutely atrocious. It only starts to get good in the optional endgame content where you're forced to group up with other players.

Is treasure hunting lucrative? ›

YES, you can make a living hunting treasure. There are people who do it every day. But, like any job, it involves work. There are several different levels of treasure hunting to consider.

Are treasure hunts legal? ›

Is it legal to hunt for treasure? Depends on where you are. In the US, anything on a property is regarded as belonging to the owner of that property. You can do whatever you want on your own land, but not on land owned by somebody else or by government at any level, local, state, or federal.

Does Blue Mage have limit break? ›

In some games, Blue Magic is a Limit Break command usable by particular characters.

Can you do duties with Blue Mage? ›

The Blue Mage Log is a duty list made specifically for Blue Mages. Unlocked after completing the BLU quest "Blue Scream of Death", the Blue Mage Log lets you queue for certain duties with other Blue Mages, rewarding you with gil, Allied Seals, and Tomestones of Poetics.

Is Red Mage good for solo? ›

Welcome to Red Mage, come in and enjoy the freedom of one of the best jobs in the soloing department. Levels 1-10 are to some the make-or-break areas of a job, to others it's just the mud they must trudge through before the hot enjoyable shower. Very useful, since you will have access to Cure right off the bat.


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